the Incredible Dog

Will Jacobs, a high school history teacher, wins millions on the lottery and his good fortune continues while on a vacation trip to Colorado with Lea, his lady friend.

Darcie, an OSU college student, sets up a tent next to the couple’s campsite. Will and Lea befriend Darcie and Oro, her golden retriever, who’s far beyond your average “man’s best friend” canine.

Oro has the ability to understand all human speech and telepathically speaks to Will, who is shocked that he is able to “hear” the dog “talk” to him. Oro is equally surprised, since Will is the first human ever capable to receive his thoughts.

In a lucky break for man and beast, Will acquires Oro and the duo teams up with Lea to put their unique association to good use. They set out to help others solve everyday problems in life, but face larger dilemmas along the way.